Splatoon player highlights

Every once in a while I come across a great splatoon player that is absolutely cracked at the game. Usually they're not really known at all. That is where this series comes in where the whole point is to highlight splatoon players I played against and thought was incredibly good. The chance any of them will see this is pretty low. But I still wanted to do this for fun

あ (1-10-25)

This guy here was an absolute monster on the forge pro top scoring in both match I played with him. First match he was on my team and had some crazy aim and movement even starting the match off with a double kill on the enemy team. Next match I had to fight him and it was a rough one at one point I they was on the right and I tried to fight him and he somehow managed to avoid two large aoe s-blast shots and a burst combo. I was absolutely floored. Congrats to あ for being a great choice kicking off this series.

telephones (1-15-25)

Talk about good zap players, and you have this guy right here. I ran into him a couple of times only in rainmaker oddly enough and this guy can really work the n-zap. Paint, support, and fighting they can do it all with this weapon. First match I had with them I did pretty poorly with dapples and they still dominated(Side not if telephones is reading I'm sorry about that manta rain match) This guy right here is a jack of all trades and extremely flexible with the zap. Congratulation to telephones for being added to my personal player highlights.

Love★Star (2-19-25)

If you haven't played against Love★Star yet I be genuinely surprised they're are considered, by many especially by dapple players to be a solo queue god. There's a reason for that they can take fights, and just easily obliterate you with dapples fast TTK, and if they need to play support with Vdapples, get a ton of coolers, and just go in with them. Love★Star is basically what ever single dapple players strive to be. They also have a youtube channels where they post their solo queue sessions their most recent zones video has me in it. You can watch it, and see me playing with my brain off on V-Tri. Always is a honor to fight/play with this guy when I get the chance.
